TENORIO, Absolute premiere in stage version

28013, España
TENORIO chamber opera Music and libretto by Tomás Marco (1942), based on Don Juan Tenorio by José Zorrilla, with additions by Tirso de Molina, Molière, Lorenzo da Ponte, Lord Byron, Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz and Francisco de Quevedo Premiered in concert version at the Summer Festival of the San Lorenzo de El Escorial Theater-Auditorium in 2017 Absolute premiere in stage version New production of the Teatro Real Sponsored by: BBVA Foundation Artistic team Musical direction: Santiago Serrate Stage direction: Señor Serrano Group Co-figure designers: Joan Ros Garrofe and Atena Pou Clavell Scenography and lighting: CUBE.BZ Video director: Xavier Gibert Costumes: Joan Ros Garrofé Choir direction: José Luis Basso Distribution Tenorio: Joan Martín-Royo Don Luis: Juan Franciso Gatell Doña Inés: Adriana Gónzalez The Narration: Juan Antonio Sanabria Doña Ana: Cristina Faus Lucia: Sandra Ferrández Choir and Orchestra of the Teatro Real The premiere in concert version, as well as its recording, were possible thanks to a Leonardo Scholarship for Cultural Researchers and Creators from the BBVA Foundation awarded to maestro Santiago Serrate.
All Dates
- 2024-05-19 18:00
- 2024-05-17 19:30
- 2024-05-15 19:30
- 2024-05-13 19:30